Our Team
Mary Sechrist
Editorial Manager
Zodiac sign: Cancer.
Favorite word in the English language: Love.
Favorite thing about FP: The people I work with and meet every single day. I’ve been employed by the company for over 18 years, and I attribute that staying power to the beauty and energy of my colleagues.
Go-to wellness tip: SLEEP! And take your vitamins.
Favorite song: “Fearless” by Pink Floyd.
What free means to me: Trusting that your voice is truth. And loving tirelessly.
Debbie Castillo
::: Beauty + Lifestyle + Fashion + Wellness + Music Contributor :::
Childhood was like Friday Night Lights, baby! With a degree in Apparel Design from The University of Texas and an internship (in London *sips tea*) under my belt, I moved to New York City with the hopes of interning for Nylon. No one cared! After working with a trend forecasting company that liked my fashion sketches, trying PR on for size, and styling at as an editorial assistant, I landed an actual dream job writing when iconic editor Nancy Brooks hired me onto her Beauty team. Now living in a fantasy space in Chicago, freelance writing is its own modern paradise. At the moment, I’m dreaming up a new way to collaborate with brilliant minds and cool hearts across the globe—if you’re one of them, look me up! In the meantime, I’ll be soaking in a whirlpool tub and/or applying layers and layers of skincare whilst listening to a podcast about energetic connectivity.
Adrienne Schreiber
Lifestyle contributor.
hello, i’m Adrienne; a dreamer, writer, photo-taker, creator. home for me is in the gritty steel city that built the world, pittsburgh. work days mean freelancing, pickin’ vintage furniture, or scribbling on my personal blog. on off days, i’m usually hiking in the forest with my 110 lb bernese mountain dog named wednesday. i’m a total book nerd, and always keep a story on my side for any chance that i can squeeze a few chapters in. i’m living a vegan lifestyle, and my true passion is for animals. one day i dream of living on a farm, creating a beautiful place where animals can find sanctuary. a few final words to describe me + wanderer / light chaser / morning person / cornbread enthusiast / music lover / crooked tooth & freckle-faced introvert. for a deeper look into my world, visit my blog